5 Books to Read on the River

Posted by on Jan 15, 2015 in Uncategorized

Whether paddling alone, or with family and friends, the river can provide a peace. Finding solace and relaxation is common once on the water. With such peace and beauty in a natural environment, such as rivers, it is no wonder why this environment has been the scene for many literary works. Take a look at the 5 books to read on the river to further inspiration, passion, and feelings of adventure towards the river.

download (29)River of Doubt,” Candice Millard. Theodore Roosevelt is no doubt of the greatest leaders of our time. However, what many do not about him is that after he lost his bid for presidency he  attempted the first descent of a 400-mile tributary of the Amazon called the River of Doubt. This is a true adventure tale of the unknown.

“The Emerald Mile,” Kevin Fedarko. This narrative artfully portrays the history, adventure, and political issues concerning boat outfitters, guides, dam engineers of the Colorado River in the Grand Canyon, all while centering itself around the fastest run trip down the Grand. A must read.

yhst-137970348157658_2346_100421038Exploration of the Colorado River,”  John Wesley Powell. Hardships, excitement, courage, the unknown, all in an breathtaking canyon. This novel really does have it all. If looking for inspiration for your next big adventure, look no further! You will be sure to be inspired once you read Powell’s gripping tale of the Colorado River in the Grand Canyon.

“The Complete Whitewater Rafter,” Jeff Bennett. For the aspiring guide, or enthusiastic paddler, this is great book! Taking you through paddling techniques, route selection, equipment choice, safety, and rescue situations, this is the ultimate guide training book!

517NACW93QL._SY344_BO1,204,203,200_“The Lost River,” Richard Bangs. Through Bang’s intimate journal readers are afforded a first hand account of raging rapids and adventure. Additionally, the audience witnesses the growth of the travel industry through the eyes of someone who helped build it.

Whether you are searching for an adventurous novel, or a technical read to enhance your paddling skills, there are tons of great books to pick up and read while on the river!