How To Support Rivers This Earth Day

Posted by on Apr 9, 2015 in Uncategorized

Earth Day (or Arbor Day as some people like to call it is) coming up on April 22nd. Earth Day started in 1970 advocating for the modern movement for conservation of the natural lands, rivers and lakes.

Here in Colorado we need to make an effort to conserve our rivers. The state’s demand for water is constantly rising and we’re constantly taking water out of our rivers. Did you know that just a 1% reduction in water use in the cities can have a drastic impact? With this reduction, enough water would be conserved for 1.8 million families in Colorado. A small effort to adopt this 1% goal through 2050 would be life changing for the rivers and lakes in our state.

However, there are a lot of plans under consideration for tapping the river water. These propositions would cost billions of dollars and they would tamper with the river, the environment, and consequently would raise water bills. Taking more water from our rivers in Colorado will only increase the problem at hand and take away from Colorado’s $9.5 billion outdoor recreation economy.

Taking action to conserve rivers in Colorado is a crucial part of celebrating Earth Day. Although there are controversial water laws and initiatives in place, it is important to keep in mind that water is a precious resource– a resource we love rafting & kayaking on, hiking around and enjoying every day. If you are interested in water conservation efforts, you can contact Governor Hickenlooper and the Colorado Water Conservation Board as they plan a water plan for the state. Water conservation in the state’s cities and towns is the most efficient measure to take to protect our rivers, wildlife, residents, agriculture, and all of the industries depending on water.

As long as water conservation is in place, we will be able to enjoy rivers throughout Colorado and the country. Colorado River Rentals supports water conservation and the team there is excited to be able to enjoy the water and raft this summer.