5 Ways to Enjoy the Fall Foliage
Ahh, fall leaves trickling artfully from the crisp Rocky mountain sky, a sea of gold and rust colored happiness that signals what lies ahead; just one of many wonderful and colorful sights to see as fall embraces us all. A rite of passage in these parts, these fall trips provide the perfect family drive, or just a nice getaway to clear ones head. Below, you will find some great suggestions for driving or just playing in the beautiful Rockies in our favorite season!
Take a ride down the foliage filled road that leads to Fish Creek Falls in Steamboat Springs. This family and fan friendly hike is just 3 miles off Main St. in Steamboat. Take a quick drive up to a common parking lot, and glory awaits you! After a quick stroll, heaven awaits as the fall trees glisten in the sun after over a hundred foot waterfall gets your camera itching for an epic photo. Also enjoy another legendary view with a moderate 1/2 mile hike to Upper Fish Creek falls, a truly breathtaking view!
Get your camera ready, and take photos that will make every social media friend envious! With a drive over Trail Ridge Rd. on U.S. Highway 34 between Estes Park and Granby, traveling through Rocky Mountain National Park. This road rises to 12,183 feet and has several scenic overlooks for you to take in dramatic vistas throughout the park. This is an unforgettable experience, so bring some water since you’ll be enjoying life above tree line!
Time to take a trip to Summit County and enjoy some stunning colors with a 360 degree view of the Rockies. Not only do you get the never ending view of the 10 mile range and Breckenridge Ski Resort, you also can enjoy an old time gravel road that offers phenomenal sightseeing both above and with several Aspen groves. You can take Boreas Pass Road off of U.S. Highway 285 in Park County. Or you can take Boreas Pass Road right off of Colorado Highway 9 on the south side of Breckenridge.
Fall festivals are in full effect in Colorado’s Western Slope town of Paonia. You will have all your festival bases covered at their annual celebration of harvest with live concerts, farmers’ markets, beer and wine tasting, a chili cook-off, arts and crafts, and farm tours. The bounty from locally owned orchards, ranches and farms brings in revelers from all over surrounding Delta County. The streets will be filled with the sounds, smells and sights of all Autumn has to offer!