Best Local Outdoor Stores in Colorado
Colorado is known for the copious amounts of outdoor adventure it has to offer. With endless activity comes a big market for outdoor gear and apparel. We love to support local here, and we’ve watched some of these companies transform into some of the best in the business before our own eyes. Check them out yourself and gear up properly for your Colorado adventure.
Big Agnes | Steamboat Springs
Big Agnes based in Steamboat Springs, Colorado is a brand founded on innovative solutions. Big Agnes co-founder, Bill Gamber, created the company after discovering a radically new way to design sleeping bags. His design significantly reduced the weight of a sleeping bag without decreasing their warmth. The tents they produce, such as the ultralight Fishhook, Fly Creek, and Copper Spur, are among the lightest and best backpacking tents in the industry. Big Agnes took its nearly fifteen years of experience in perfecting sleeping bag insulation and applied it to high-performance apparel as well. Utilizing its waterproof DownTek high-fill-power down material, the company has created a line of jackets with a remarkable warmth-to-weight ratio. Big Agnes was nominated for Best of the Rockies this year, so we’ll see next month if they take the crown for their category… we think they should!
Melanzana | Leadville
Located in heart of downtown Leadville, Melanzana is a free spirited outdoor clothing company that has been doing things their own way for over 20 years. This small local spot designs, sews, and sells everything they create on location in the town of Leadville. Customers can easily see the sewing machines and bolts of fabric in the rear of the facility as they shop, and visitors love the opportunity to see the manufacturing process live and in person. All of their clothing and accessories are made exclusively from Polartec materials produced in the United States by Malden Mills. Melanzana is loyal to the high-performance knits for their durability and comfort, and this is definitely the most popular item they sell. Across ski towns in Colorado and the country, you’ll see Melanzana pullovers around every corner. The company is a true asset to the Leadville community, due to their generous support and sponsorship of many local events and causes.
Phunkshun | Denver
Founded in 2011, Phunkshun is a great hometown company who has been manufacturing some of the most high quality face masks you’ll see in Colorado’s Rockies. Phunkshun is located in Denver and they produce an entire line of face masks and balaclavas for all weather conditions, from arctic chill to summer heat. Every Phunkshun product is sewn in Denver and created out of USA-sourced materials. Their standard masks come in three different weights options: single layer, double layer, and double thermal. The single layer weight is available in both mask and balaclava style, double layer masks will keep you a bit warmer as they are equipped with a mesh liner inside the face fabric that insulates and wicks, and the thermal masks incorporate 100-weight Polartec fleece.
When it comes to outdoor gear, there is no shortage of places to find the best equipment in Colorado. Whether it be a big corporation, or a small local operation, you’ll be satisfied with all of the apparel available in the state. For personal service, expert advice, and supporting the communities in Colorado, be sure to shop at Big Agnes, Melanzana, and Phunkshun. Once you’re all geared up, look into all the options Colorado River Rentals offers for equipment rentals. From 16′ rafts and inflatable kayaks to fishing gear, we’ll get you all set up for an adventure in the mountains.