Lunch on the River

Summer is not too far away. You’ve talked with your buddies and have finally decided to take a week off and plan that rafting trip in Colorado. Spending all day paddling can be pretty exhausting and it’s important to keep your energy up when tackling all of those rapids. Here are some great ideas on what and how to pack food for your lunch on the river.
Just because you are miles from a kitchen is no reason not to eat a tasty meal. It’s a lot easier to pack things that do not need to be cooked so you can spend as much time as possible on the water. You’ll be burning a lot of calories and it’s important to eat quality food so you can keep paddling hard. Salads are one of the best options. When packaging leafy greens be sure to wrap fragile leaves up in clean paper towels and then place in a dry zip lock bag. There are plenty of fruit and vegetable options that can be added to make a great salad that will give you that boost in energy. Carrots and apples are both great options as these are a bit sturdier and are harder to damage with all the movement in your cooler.
Sandwiches and wraps are another great option. Simple to prepare ahead of time and easy to eat when just floating along. Keep it simple with deli meat and cheese or just PB and J. Nothing is worse than wet bread, so be sure to either double bag or use a waterproof container.
It’s important to always keep your cooler fully strapped down as well and use dry or blocked ice. If you will be rafting for multiple days it may be easier to use multiple smaller coolers. Be sure to label the coolers and duct tape them shut to prevent anything from spilling out in case one does go overboard.
Now that you have a little more knowledge on what to pack be sure to plan that rafting trip this summer and when looking for rental gear be sure to give us a call! Cheers!