6 Tips for Rafting with Kids

Posted by on Sep 25, 2014 in Uncategorized
6 Tips for Rafting with Kids

Nothing is more fun than being able to spend a day on the river with your family. Common questions that are always asked is, “Can I bring my children along? Is it safe?” Depending on the rafting company and trip, the answer is usually “Yes!”  The general rule is if your child is at least 30lbs you should be able to do some type of rafting, but it depends on the river and or company. Rafting is a great way to spend time together while creating long lasting memories. Companies gear some of their trips specifically for kids to go on, so there are more options than you may think. Here are some tips if you are planning to raft with your kiddos!

upper c family1Length of Trip: You know your child better than anyone else. Think about how well your child will do sitting for a long or short period of time. It’s best to do shorter trips if your kids have never gone before just to feel out how they will do on the river. There is nothing worse than being trapped in a boat with a kid who doesn’t want to be there. Start with a half day and then next time go on a longer trip, rather than to go on a long trip first and regretting it later, after all you can always come back!

Food and Snacks: Kids are growing and hungry constantly. It is best to be prepared and bring plenty of snacks and water just in case your kids gets hungry when you are in the middle of the river. Depending on the river location there may not be food options close by, so it’s best to plan ahead just in case they get hungry.14ersArkansas-River-Browns-300x198

Clothing: Colorado weather changes frequently and is unpredictable. Be prepared for any type of weather that may happen on your rafting trip. No one wants to see their child either too hot or too cold.

Class of Trip: If you are rafting on your own it is best to research the rivers and what class rapids are on each so that you don’t raft something too extreme that could be dangerous for your family. If you are going with a company they will know what rivers and trips are suitable for your child based on his/her age and weight.

Bring a Backpack: You always need to be prepared when you have kids around so make it easy on yourself and bring a small backpack with upper c familywhatever your child may need in it like food, clothing, or medication they may need.

Talk before hand: It is best to talk to your child before the trip to make sure rafting is something they would be comfortable doing. Kids are curious and will most likely have questions to ask about the trip. It’s also beneficial for you to explain that they will probably get wet and that they need to understand that the river is enjoyable, but also powerful. Discuss what they need to do if they end up in the river, but assure them that everything will be okay!

We hope to see your family out on the river !