Doing the Doo on a Raft Trip: The Lowdown on our Friend the Groover

So you’re looking for a little adventure and solitude in the wild? In order to prepare for the fun and outdoor adventure Colorado has to offer, read up on some helpful tips from those who have navigated these waters and overnight camping trips for a while.

Toilet system grooverBefore your overnight or multiday trip begins, try to get on a regular schedule as to when you do the deed; this will help you avoid any unexpected surprises when you’re in the middle of the river rafting some heart-pounding rapids. Multiday or overnight rafting trips will have a toilet on board known as “the groover”. Your guide will pack up the groover before heading out and set it up before it gets dark. Kits are provided to clean and sanitize and make taking care of business as clean and comfortable as possible. Tips to ensure your outdoor bathroom experience goes as smooth as possible is to make certain where the groover can be found before it gets dark. While knowing where the groover can be found once the sun goes down is helpful, having a flashlight or headlamp nearby will help you navigate your way to the groover with sleepy eyes.

So why, you ask, is this portable toilet seat that will make your overnight rafting trip more comfortable actually named the groover? The grooves left on your derrière after using ammunition boxes as portable toilet seats gave the groover its name. While comfy toilet seats now adorn the box, they kept the portable potty’s nickname. The groover is designed to make your overnight or multiday rafting trip more enjoyable and comfortable while also keeping the environment cleaner and leaving no trace behind. Whenever you do decide to go, be sure to take in the incredible view that your guide has so expertly found and placed the groover next to.