Meal Planning for your Overnight Rafting Trip

Meal Planning for your Overnight Rafting Trip

So, planning an overnight rafting trip? There are a lot of important things to pack and plan, including your meals. Here are a few hacks for packing and planning for your riverside meals.

  • Store eggs in a water bottle. Rather than packing whole eggs that could break and, not only run all over everything, but also ruin a morning meal, store up to 8 eggs in a recyclable water bottle. No need to pack a bowl or whisk for scrambling!
  • Courtesy of Pixabay

    Courtesy of Pixabay

    Pack coffee in filters tied off with floss. Can’t live without your morning brew? Pack your coffee in pre-packed single serve-sized balls in coffee filters, then tie them off with floss. In the morning, add the entire filter, coffee and floss into boiling water to quick and easy coffee!

  • Avoid dishes with chili in a bag. Enjoy that delicious, warm meat (or veggie!) chili without all the dishes that take up space and have to be cleaned. Simply pack single serve bags of Fritos, pour your favorite chili and toppings inside and enjoy!
  • Freeze gallon jugs of water and keep in the cooler. Not only will it keep everything cold in the cooler, as it melts you will have tons of extra drinking water!
  • popcorn-888003_1920Opt for stovetop popcorn. It comes pre-packed and you can cook it over the campfire. So easy!

These quick and easy hacks will make meal time during your overnight rafting trip a breeze. Need recipe ideas too? Check out some of our favorites here. For any gear rentals or questions, just give our trip specialists a call at 970-423-7036.